


Purchase an Option on a Celebrity channel now for $X
and transfer it to the Celebrity later for $X+.


Declaration of a Peaceful Revolution

NOTE: If you are a publicly known person or a business or organization click or tap here to create your Channel.

If you are a private individual, see “Own Your Channel” below

Choose your Grackit Channel now before someone options your channel*

All the tools you need are here to monetize your channel at no additional costs

Own Your channel

never get blocked, doxed banned, throttled or deplatformed

cancel anytime for a full refund of your unused time period

After the Introductory period the Channel price will be $364. Buy it now and save as much as $294 plus we waive the annual renewal fee forever.

*Buy your channel now and your annual renewal fee will be zero ($0.00) forever. When this limited time offer expires, the initial Channel cost will be $364.00 and the annual Channel Owner's renewal fee will apply.

introductory offer*

3 Ways to Take Care of Your Investment**

budget Plan

Only send a $29 setup fee now and $9 a month for 12 months.

installment Plan

Only send a $29 setup fee now and budget the balance out over 4 equal installments of $27.

Prepay Plan

Prepay $99 now and the $29 setup fee is deleted. You save $294.00 on your Channel investment.

Take advantage of this introductory offer by choosing a plan below.

Prepay Plan

Pay $99 one time and save a total of thirty-eight dollars

Installment Plan

Pay only the $29 setup fee now & make 4 equal installments of $27.

Budget Plan

Pay only the $29 setup fee now and $9 a month for 12 months.

Buying your channel during the Introductory period means you save now on your initial investment plus you save every year because your annual renewal fee is reduced to zero ($0.00) forever.

When this limited time offer expires, our annual Channel Owner's renewal fee will begin.

And if you act now you will never pay again!

*NOTE: In accordance with the Grackit Channel Option Terms, any channel whether regular or nonregular can be optioned and held until the person for whom the channel is named, purchases the channel. This almost always results in an increase in the channel purchase price. Visit Channel Options for more information about optioning a Channel.

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