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rackit is where you own your channel so you are free to express what you believe to be true without the fear of being blocked, doxed, banned, throttled, or deplatformed.

Grackit covers its costs through the sale of regular and nonregular channels. Celebrities, sports figures, politicians, and all organization channels are classified as nonregular. Regular channels are owned by the rest of us.

Prior to a nonregular channel’s sale, anyone can purchase an “Option” on a nonregular channel with the stipulation the Option Holder must sell the nonregular channel to the individual or entity for whom the channel is named when that person or entity wishes to purchase the channel.

We chose this heterodox revenue model to ensure no one individual or group can apply undue pressure over Grackit’s content or policies.

Clicking or tapping on any of the nearby images allows purchasing or optioning a nonregular channel.

Regular Channels (those owned by the rest of us) are purchased here.

When you invest in an option on a nonregular channel you are calculating that, at some point the person or entity  for whom the nonregular channel is named, is going to want to own the Channel that bears their name.

Channel  Option Holders create a kind of “market” or “exchange” for, mostly, nonregular Channels.

It is akin to what happened when the world wide web first blossomed. Forward thinkers bought domain names they speculated would one day become popular. These speculators profited when buyers came calling.

For example, Joshua Quittner paid ten to twenty dollars for Later, McDonald’s wrote him a check for $3,500.00 for the domain that matched their corporate identity. (the very first domain name) was registered in 1985. Ten years later, Wired reported that just a third of Fortune 500 companies had registered the obvious versions of their names.

Generally, “nonregulars” are not “innovators” or “first adopters”. They usually take a “wait-and-see” approach. And that works for them because they can afford to pay a premium for being cautious, for holding back.

Here are a few domain sales speculators sold at handsome profits: – $345 million, – $90 million, CarInsurance – $49.7 million, – $35 Million, – $30.1 Million.

From information available, it appears the highest price on record for a domain is $827 million for

Optioned channels remain in a kind of “Option Auction” until the channel is purchased by the individual or entity for whom the channel is named.

The price at which a nonregular channel is finally sold to the person or entity for whom the channel is named, is either the “Buy Now Price” of the channel or a price negotiated between the current channel option holder and the rightful channel claimant.

The price for which the final transfer of a nonregular channel is made to the person or entity for whom the channel is named is under the sole and unencumbered control of the then current Channel Option holder.

To cover the costs of Grackit’s ongoing operations, Grackit receives seven (7%) percent of all transaction amounts.

To Option a nonregular (i.e. "celebrity") Channel, choose the Channel category of your choice from the Channel Option images on this page.

To purchase your own Channel click or tap Here.



Actors Channels

Architects Channels

Attorneys Channels

Authors Channels (Fiction)

Authors Channels (Non Fiction)

Auto Makers Channels

Bankers, Banks & Finance Channels

Billionaires Channels

Blockchain Crypto Channels

Celebrity Chefs Channels

Colleges Universities Channels

Comedians Channels

Digital Companies Channels

Economists Channels

Educators Channels

Entrepreneurs Channels

Fortune 500 Co Channels

High Value Thinkers Channels

Historians Channels

Journalists Channels

Medical Channels

Movie Directors Channels

Musical Artists Channels

News Personalities Channels

Not For Profit Channels

Philanthropists Channels

Podcast Pesonalities Channels

Political Action Com. Channels

Popular YouTuber Channels

Politicians Out of Ofc Channels

Radio Personalities Channels

Religious Leaders Channels

Restaurant Channels

Screenwriters Channels

Sports Figures Channels

Tech Innovators Channels

U S City Mayors Channels

U S Gov Officials Channels

U S Governors Channels

U S House Reps Channels

U S Secretaries of States Channels

U S Senators Channels

U S State's Attorneys General Channels

Venture Capitalists Channels